Go Further With Your Brand
Brand is never static. It’s brought to life with your everyday marketing efforts. CS Brand Group leverages your brand to develop multichannel campaigns and marketing assets that target specific audiences. Through deep collaboration, we help differentiate your organization from competitors in your space.
Expand Your Presence
BrandExtend helps brands expand their presence through various initiatives and campaigns all while staying true to their brand architecture and positioning.

Acquirer of Choice
When your growth plan includes add-on acquisitions, your brand needs to clearly connect with a target’s ownership, management team, employees, and customers. Targets need to see how they fit within your platform and why you are the best partner for them. These programs build tools that allow you to communicate to key audiences at each stage:
- Prospect
- Diligence
- Post-Close
Everything is designed to fit your organization’s needs and provide the foundation for all project deliverables.

Employer of Choice
In today’s competitive job market, it is critical that potential employees personally connect with your brand and understand their opportunities. By creating messaging that targets specific audiences and roles, we create alignment between their goals and your needs — driving more quality candidates and improving existing employee retention.

Sponsor of Choice
As the number of private equity funds continues to grow at record rates, the competition for deals is growing as well. How will your fund differentiate itself? Why should an entrepreneur choose to partner with you? Programs that target specific business types and demographics allow you to tailor your message to those audiences, creating an immediate connection and increasing the chances they will want to meet. Impactful, customized pitch decks deliver your message in a compelling way, and videos that showcase the personal side of your team bring the partnership to life.